# Basic Types

type State = Record<string, any>;

type Events = Record<string, (...args: any[]) => void>;

type Methods = Record<string, (...args: any[]) => any>;

type BlockDeclare = Partial<{
  state: State;
  events: Events;
  methods: Methods;

# createBlock

  • Type:

    <T extends BlockDeclare>(name: string) => CreatedBlock<T['state'], T['events'], T['methods'], T['exports']>
  • Description: Creates a Block, accepting a globally unique block name as a parameter, and returns a CreatedBlock instance.

  • Example:

    import { createBlock } from "@rallie/block";
    interface MyBlock {
      state: {
        count: number;
        user: {
          name: string;
      events: {
        incrementCount: () => void;
      methods: {
        login: () => void;
        logout: () => void;
    const myBlock = createBlock<MyBlock>("my-block");

# CreatedBlock

# name

  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the Block.

# state

  • Type: State
  • Description: The state of the Block, which is read-only. To modify the state of a Block, the setState method must be used.

# methods

  • Type: Methods

  • Description: The method invoker of the Block, which is read-only. To add methods to a Block, the addMethods method must be used.

  • Example:

    // Add methods
      login: async () => {
        const success = await requestLogin();
        return success;
    // Invoke method
    block.methods.login().then((success) => {
      if (success) {
        alert("Login successfully");

# events

  • Type: Events

  • Description: The event invoker of the Block, which is read-only. To add event listeners to a Block, the listenEvents method must be used.

  • Example:

    // Listen to events
      themeChange: (themeColor) => {
    // Trigger event

# initState

  • Type: (value: State, isPrivate: boolean = false) => CreatedBlock
  • Description: Initializes the state of the Block. A Block can only be initialized once. Calling initState multiple times will throw an error. If you want the state to be unmodifiable by other Blocks, pass true as the second parameter to indicate that the state is set as private.

# setState

  • Type: ((action: string, state: State) => void | Promise<void>) => Promise<void>

  • Description: Modifies the state of the Block. The first parameter is a description of this operation.

  • Example:

    // Synchronously modify state
    block.setState("add the count synchronously", (state) => {
    // Asynchronously modify state
    await block.setState("add the count asynchronously", async (state) => {
      const userInfo = await requestLogIn();
      state.user = userInfo;

# watchState

  • Type: ((state: State) => any) => Watcher

  • Description: Listens to changes in the Block's state, implemented based on the effect method of @vue/reactivity. See examples for specific usage.

  • Example:

    • Chained calling to watch state

      // Watch state
      const unwatch = block
        .watchState((state) => state.count)
        .do((newCount, oldCount) => {
          console.log(newCount, oldCount);
      // Unwatch
    • watchEffect

      // Watch state
      const watcher = block.watchState((state) => {
        console.log(state.count, state.user);
      // Unwatch

# listenEvents

  • Type: (events: Partial<Events>) => (eventName?: string) => void
  • Description: Adds event listeners to the Block, and the return value is a function to cancel the event listening. The block name of the event caller can be obtained from the this context of the listening callback.
  • Example:
    • Listen to events:
      const cancelEvents = block.listenEvents({
        changeTheme(this: { trigger: string }, themeColor) {
          console.log(`Event caller is ${this.trigger}`)
        changeLanguage: (lang) => {
    • Cancel listening to all events:
    • Cancel listening to a single event

# addMethods

  • Type: (methods: Partial<Methods>) => (methodName?: string) => void
  • Description: Adds methods to the Block, and the return value is a function to remove the methods. The block name of the event caller can be obtained from the this context of the method callback.
  • Example:
    • Add methods:
      const removeMethods = block.addMethods({
        async logIn(this: { trigger: string }) => {
          console.log(`Event caller is ${this.trigger}`)
          await requestLogIn();
        logOut: async () => {
          await requestLogOut();
    • Remove all methods:
    • Remove a single method

# load

  • Type: (name: string) => Promise<void>
  • Description: Loads the resources of a Block, with the argument being the name of the Block to be loaded.

# activate

  • Type: (name: string) => Promise<void>
  • Description: Activates a Block, with the argument being the name of the Block to be activated.

# connect

  • Type:
    <T extends BlockDeclare>(name: string) => ConnectedBlock<T>
  • Description: Connects to a Block, receiving the name of the Block to be connected as the only parameter, and returns a ConnectedBlock that allows the use of the connected Block's state, events, and methods.
  • Example:
    interface RemoteBlock {
      state: {
        count: number,
        user: {
          name: string
      events: {
        incrementCount: () => void
      methods: {
        login: () => void,
        logout: () => void
      exports: {
        text: string
    const connectedBlock = block.connect<RemoteBlock>("remote");

The connect method will return a ConnectedBlock. Its state, event, and method-related APIs are a subset of the CreatedBlock APIs, including name, state, events, methods, setState, watchState, and listenEvents.


If the connected Block declares its state as private, calling setState to change the Block's state via ConnectedBlock will result in an error.

The usage of the above properties and methods is completely consistent with the usage of CreatedBlock.


For a ConnectedBlock, to use its state, call its methods, or import its exposed objects, you should ensure that its state has been initialized, methods have been added, and objects have been exported. The connect operation does not load or activate the Block to be connected, so you should declare the Block to be connected as the current Block's association or dependency, or manually load or activate the Block to be connected.

# run

  • Type: (callback: (env: Env) => void | Promise<void>) => Promise<void>
  • Description: Executes the passed callback function. The current Block's runtime environment can be obtained in the callback parameter, see Env.

# Env

The runtime environment object of a Block, which can be obtained in the callback of the run method.

# isEntry

  • Type: boolean
  • Description: Whether it is the entry environment. If a Block is the first application created in the application cluster, then when executing the Block's run method, its callback parameter env.isEntry is true, otherwise it is false.

# freeze

  • Type: () => void
  • Description: Freezes the current runtime environment, which is only effective when env.isEntry is true. After the runtime environment is frozen, the middleware and configurations applied by non-entry environment Blocks will not take effect.

# unfreeze

  • Type: () => void
  • Description: Unfreezes the current runtime environment, which is only effective when env.isEntry is true.

# use

  • Type: (middleware: (ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<void>) => void) => void
  • Description: Applies resource loading middleware, usage refers to middleware, the type of context is:
    interface Context {
      name: string; // The name of the Block to be loaded
      conf: ConfType; // The configuration of the runtime environment, refer to env.conf
      loadScript: (
        script: Partial<HTMLScriptElement> | string | HTMLScriptElement
      ) => Promise<void>; // Method to insert script tags
      loadLink: (
        link: Partial<HTMLLinkElement> | string | HTMLLinkElement
      ) => Promise<void>; // Method to insert link tags
      [other: string]: any; // Middleware can add methods and properties to context

# conf

  • Type:
    interface ConfType {
      assets?: Record<
          js: Array<string>;
          css: Array<string>;
      [other: string]: any;
  • Description: The global configuration of the runtime environment, which can be configured through env.config. The assets property is the resource path information of the application cluster. The innermost middleware of rallie's onion middleware model will look for and load application resources in assets based on the Block's name.

# config

  • Type: (conf: ConfType) => void
  • Description: Configures the runtime environment. When configuring assets, the information will be appended and not overwritten.
      assets: {
        bar: {
          js: ["bar.js"],
      assets: {
        foo: {
          js: ["foo.js"],
    /* The result will be printed as:
        bar: {
          js: ['bar.js']
        foo: {
          js: ['foo.js']